Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

The Foods I Choose

Warm Grilled Chicken and Rice
          if God wills other then it was the food I choose, because it is my favorite food in the village during which I often eat together as a family every time there is an event. the delicious taste of warm grilled chicken coupled with chili soy sauce to add flavor. I roast chicken is a chicken reared by a father saya.biasanya this young chickens weighing 2 About a kilo because the meat is still soft and precocious when bake.before the first step is chicken baked chicken should be cut first and then cleaned feathers and fill the stomach of the chicken until it is clean, the second step to prepare the coals for grilling chicken taste enter into the barbecue chicken, grilled chicken over the coals until it dries.

         after chicken roasted pieces of chicken in parts, then third meal. Step Who are on the table is to prepare the taste of warm rice and chili sauce chili sauce by cutting with a small size and then input into a bowl and mix with soy sauce to taste stir until evenly and serve at the table a meal with grilled chicken earlier.grilled chicken and rice dish ready to be enjoyed warm.

         maybe the food warm grilled chicken and rice are foods that I choose when my last day on this earth comes. because it is the food that is often eaten together family.I remember when I would go into town to go to college my parents made roast chicken and rice baked chicken warm even until two tails that are large.
maybe it was the last meal I would expect in life me.I am sure God surely provide convenience and the best way out of any desire that is from within this heart.  

          at least grilled chicken and warm rice will always be there when I want, and I could feel the togetherness with family while enjoying it when my last day on earth certainly will be very membuwat me happy and spirit despite being the last day but it will be the most beautiful in my life.


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