Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

A letter

Youth I Now
            Maybe it was not perfect for the better because it is still in the growth becomes adult. Year 2016 I graduated as a student and went on to become a student at the University Tanjungpura, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences study program.by with being a student so I learned to be mature, especially in regulating pattern personal life to become more independent and always tried without the word give up because now is my time to be better than the previous one.

            Until today, I still keep the simple way of life and foster a high social life to others, especially friends in the campus and the community that exists around I think helping, meghargai and respect is a form of maturity that is simple, but very meaningful and not everyone can do that.

            In life we must always be grateful to Allah SWT for all the sustenance it provides for this and always begging forgiveness for all the sins that we have already do it.All something we get prayer can not be separated from both parents who always expect their children to be a young generation successor who has aklaq glorious.

            My hope the next 10 years is that I want to have assets that are valuable to me and my family, that I dreamed and dreamed of having a house nice and spacious, environmentally friendly, close to family and close to the facilities and infrastructure that support the life ,

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