Kamis, 29 September 2016


                                                                Assalmualaikum wr wb...
hello my friends.........

NIM            :C1051161001

    My friends as a freshman I really like neatly dressed like this photo me:
-wear the shirt
-wear shoes
- wear the watch
                                                                -do not forget the haircut should also be neat.

     Are neatly dressed is a must for me because appears to be courteous and conveinent to perspective by others.to become a student at the UNIVERSITAS TANJUNG PURA,FAKULTAS PERTANIAN was pretty much the sacrifices my parents made.ranging from cost provided,cost of living a day day and changers for college.journey to Pontianak quite far from my village takes approximately 12-14 hours using motorcycles.so when it Pontianak town feels tired then it is need enough time to break.
    The city of Pontianak have weather that is not enough and the bustling city residents intially I never thought graduated from SMKN 1 AIR UPAS  I can continue studying at pontianak.be advised  my son misplaced remote villages far from towns and not always with such a crowd in the city.from the beginning of my  collage application process in the  drive by brother I am aid by abang senior ad  at fakultas farm and Thank God I was able to pass throught the lines SBMPTN  with soil science courses and my familly are happy enougt,but when I left  the family alone in the city of pontianak I feel sadness because I live away from their families feel deserted.
      Almost one week more I feel lonely and sad for was new in town and not many friends.when PMB in the faculty I feel afraid senior so I could not calm in following all the activities of the PMB.when the last day PMB I feel pleased and there is time off for rest.but on the 5th ,month 9, 2016  fear back come what more the first day enterring coursework to meet with seniors and new student.friends as time went on little by little time goes slowly fear land lost.as there is support from friends of friends who knew me other than that I also remember the message  perents for serious lectures for my future later.
      Now I live alone and learn to live independently. some times  I at home in visit friends .in addition because now there is often a task from lecturers so any solid time for collage.to this day I instill a sense of the spirit of the colage despite many challenges and many also lack knowledge and mistakes that I have to learen to be better again and had the principle of life.
     Nobody feels already  a month more in pontianak and feeling sad and happy almost every day I feel more comfortable living.in theb village of at in the city because in the village have a failly quiet,secure,peaceful full of flavor.

   thank you......

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